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What are Neighborhood Councils?

Created in 1999, they were designed to empower citizens to have a greater voice in their democracy. They are the “closest form of government to the people” in Los Angeles. You can learn more about the Neighborhood Council system here.

  • What do neighborhood councils do? NC’s consider supporting or opposing many critical issues in Los Angeles including Land Use, Transportation, Homelessness services, etc. They also frequently issue Neighborhood Purpose Grants to the community.

  • Who can run? Anyone over 18 can run to be on a Neighborhood Council (you don’t have to be a citizen) - and some NC’s have “youth representatives” as young as 16. You must live, work, or have a strong connection to a neighborhood to do so.

  • Who can vote? Anyone over 16 that lives in the area can vote for NC candidates - as opposed to general elections, you don’t have to be citizen, but you do have to request a mail-in ballot in advance. People aged 14 and 15 can vote for youth seats only, if applicable.

  • What are the important dates to know? Candidate registration and election dates vary by what region your neighborhood council is in - in general, registration continues for the first few months of 2023, followed by elections. Here’s a list of important dates for all regions.

How do I vote in these elections?

You are not automatically registered to vote, and must request your ballot. You can vote in multiple neighborhood councils where you live, work, own property, or have a community interest. This year, you can vote by mail or in person.

There are two ways to request your vote-by-mail ballot:

You can also vote in person and register on-site. Each neighborhood council has a different election site — view the full list of polling locations here.


2023 Candidate Guide

The below candidates are people who supported a majority of the local proposals included in our survey. If you would like to be included, fill out our endorsement questionnaire.

All candidate responses (endorsed or not) can be viewed here.

Region 5 (Vote in person 4/30/23)

East Hollywood

Jack Symington (HollySet Junction Representative)

Andoni Elias Nava (Tenant Representative)

Greater Wilshire

Tommy Atlee (“Tommy”) (Renter Representative)

Selene Betancourt (Geographic Area 3 Director)

Hollywood United

Mark Millner (At-Large Stakeholder)

Mid-City West

We are pleased to endorse the entire Mid-City West Progressive slate.

Renters (vote for 5): Lynda La Rose, Ava Marinelli, Xcevio Zuluaga, Lauren Borchard, Ramiro Castro Jr

Homeowners (vote for 3): Shem Bitterman, Valerie Washburn, Don Whitehead

Business (vote for 6): Sara Griebe, Frank La, Nick Starr, Henry Mantel, Terence Mylonas, Danielle Donovan

Nonprofit (vote for 6): David Mann, Chris Dower, Julian Stern, Matthew Peskay, Cindy Bitterman, Christina Mondy

At Large (vote for 8): Andrea Guttag, Aimee Garcia, Michael Schneider, Andrew Herman, Christian La Mont, Ellie Goralnick, Sandra Sims, Ben Kram

Youth (vote for 1): Clark Raustiala

Zone 1 (vote for 1): Hunter Burgarella

Zone 2 (vote for 1): Sam Roseme

Zone 3 (vote for 1): Amy Goldenberg

Zone 4 (vote for 1): J. Keith van Straaten

Zone 5 (vote for 1): Tedd Cittadine

Zone 6 (vote for 1): Bob Shore

Zone 7 (vote for 1): Thao Tran

Region 6 (Vote in person 5/4/23)

North Westwood

Seat 9 Worker Stakeholder: Jacob Wasserman or Raag Agrawal (both scored a 100% on our endorsement questionnaire)

Seats 15-16 Organizational Stakeholder: Eric Coestad

Seats 2-3 Renter Stakeholder: Erin Coutts

Downtown Los Angeles

Pablo Fontoura (Historic Core Resident)

Debby Zhou (South Park Resident)

Region 7 (Vote in person 5/13/23)

Silver Lake

Maria Scileppi (At-Large Representative)

Adam Kearney (Region 2 Representative)

Los Feliz

Derek Galey (District Representative C)

Josh Steichmann (District Representative E)

Region 8 (Request to vote by mail before 5/1/23)

Coming soon.

Region 1 (Request to vote by mail before 5/15/23)


Jeremy Steinert (At-Large Representative)

Region 2 (Request to vote by mail before 5/22/23)

Coming soon.

Region 3 (Request to vote by mail before 5/30/23)

Coming soon.

Region 4 (Request to vote by mail before 6/3/23)


Jillian Burgos (Arts Organization Representative)

James Askew (Community Org/Nonprofit Representative)

Region 11 (Voting closed)

Mar Vista

We strongly endorse the entire Mar Vista Progress slate.

Jasmine Delgado (Community Director)
Kelsey Figone (Zone 1)
Ashley Zeldin (Zone 2)
Derl Clausen (Zone 7)
Benjamin Szeghy (At-Large)
Edward H. Sand (At-Large)
Robin Doyno (At-Large)

Del Rey

Jessica “Jeffrey” Tropp (Area F Director)
Adam Lipman (Area E Director)
Daniel Perez (Communications Officer)


Rob Weber (Secretary)
Charles Miller (Residential Representative Area B)
Steven J. Stanton (Residential Representative Area C)
Katrina Kaiser (Residential Representative Area E)

South Robertson

Stefan Kalczynski (At-Large Representative)


Graham Sandelski (At-Large Community Officer)
Christopher Lee (At-Large Community Officer)
Noreen Ahmed (Community Interest/Community Officer)

West Los Angeles-Sawtelle

Walton Chiu (North West District Representative)
Alexandra Caryotakis (At-Large Representative)

Region 12 (Voting closed)

No recommendations.

Region 9 (Voting closed)

South Central

Rev. Redeem Robinson (President)

Region 10 (Voting closed)

Empowerment Congress Central Area

Jamaal A. Gulledge (Area 3 Representative)


Interested in us endorsing you or your slate? Fill out this form.

Want to run? Be connected to others in your area?

Enter your info below and we’ll connect you with other like minded people in your area.