Interested in us endorsing you or your slate? Fill out this form.
What are Neighborhood Councils?
Created in 1999, they were designed to empower citizens to have a greater voice in their democracy. They are the “closest form of government to the people” in Los Angeles. You can learn more about the Neighborhood Council system here.
What do neighborhood councils do? NC’s consider supporting or opposing many critical issues in Los Angeles including Land Use, Transportation, Homelessness services, etc. They also frequently issue Neighborhood Purpose Grants to the community.
Who can run? Anyone over 18 can run to be on a Neighborhood Council (you don’t have to be a citizen) - and some NC’s have “youth representatives” as young as 16. You must live, work, or have a strong connection to a neighborhood to do so.
Who can vote? Anyone over 16 that lives in the area can vote for NC candidates - as opposed to general elections, you don’t have to be citizen, but you do have to request a mail-in ballot in advance. People aged 14 and 15 can vote for youth seats only, if applicable.
What are the important dates to know? Candidate registration and election dates vary by what region your neighborhood council is in - in general, registration starts at the beginning of 2025, followed by elections between May and July of 2025. Here’s a list of important dates for all regions.
How do I vote in these elections?
You are not automatically registered to vote, and must request your ballot. You can vote in multiple neighborhood councils where you live, work, own property, or have a community interest. This year, you can only vote by mail.
There are two ways to request your vote-by-mail ballot:
Go to this online portal and create an account. Then select “voter application” after you’ve verified it. You can apply for multiple NCs using this portal.
Download this PDF, fill it out, and email it to with an ID (or other documentation) attached
2025 Candidate Guide
Streets For all is currently accepting requests for endorsements from candidates and slates of candidates running for neighborhood council seats in 2025. If you are running on a slate, one person may fill out the questionnaire on behalf of the entire slate. Fill out our endorsement questionnaire.
North Westwood
In North Westwood SFA has endorsed the following:
(names are linked to candidate questionnaires)
In Venice SFA has endorsed:
(names are linked to candidate questionnaires)