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Stop misrepresenting Measure HLA, Traci

Screenshot from the LA Times’ City Hall Newsletter published on August 24, 2024

Nearly six months after an election where voters in her district voted 60% in favor of Measure HLA, Councilmember Park continues to misrepresent it, claiming that LA can't afford a bike lane network because of required HLA spending!?

1. HLA = implementing the city's own mobility plan = bike lanes included
2. It’s up to city how much they spend (so far it's ~$100,000 compared to the $300M the CAO and Traci claimed)
3. Up to the city when and where they repave — they could easily prioritize future Olympic venues

Councilmember Park chairs the committee preparing LA for the Olympics. We encourage her to stop misrepresenting HLA, to accept the will of the voters, and to use the mandate HLA gives to actually build out a city-wide bike lane network, like she claims she wants!