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Measure HLA applies to Metro projects too

Measure HLA passed nearly seven months ago, and the City of Los Angeles has yet to start implementing it or even release guidance to City departments. Instead, all repaving on mobility plan corridors has been paused, while the City Attorney’s office takes its time creating implementation guidance to City departments.

While the City has paused projects to make sure they get their ducks in a row to comply with Measure HLA, Metro Los Angeles (a County agency) has not.

Much of Metro’s work involves creating infrastructure within the City of Los Angeles’ right of way (which we support!). This includes Metro’s Bus and Rail projects.

Recently, we became aware that Metro’s Vermont Ave BRT project plans on excluding Vermont’s required bike lanes per the Mobility Plan 2035. Even worse, Metro is environmentally clearing the project and hosting community meetings showing the public a plan for the street that would be illegal to implement.

Vermont Ave is a critical transportation corridor in the City of LA. The street has higher bus ridership than any other in Metro’s system. It is also one of the most dangerous for active transportation. Vermont earns its place on the City’s High Injury Network with more pedestrians killed and more cyclists injured than any other street in LA over the last 10 years. Implementing the Mobility Plan’s required bike lanes and pedestrian improvements will save lives.

Today, we sent this letter to Mayor Karen Bass asking her to ensure that Metro complies with Measure HLA when working within the City of Los Angeles right of way.

Measure HLA passed with nearly 2/3 of the vote. Politicians (and the agencies they control) would be well served to respect the will of the voters, and implement Mobility Plan 2035 posthaste, on any and all projects within the City of Los Angeles. That is what the voters want, and that is what the law now requires.